Monday, October 31, 2016

Two-Fisted Library Stories #6 now available!

Two-Fisted Library Stories #6 is now available! It features:

  • Automagic Notice by Devin Lagasse
  • How to Steal a Book in 1930s Chicago Part 3 by Matthew Murray
  • Better Read Than Dead by Colleen Frakes
  • The Libearian by Taylor Kenkel
  • A back cover by Dana Putnam

Plus! Six-Gun Librarian comic strips, letters pages, an interview with the creators of The NEW Library Legion, and more! Plus every copy comes with a trading card!

You an buy it (and the other issues) on our Etsy store.

Thanks to everyone that came to the launch party, and especially those who won prizes in the costume contest!

The winners!


(Costume contest judges)

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Spicy Library Stories Call for Submissions

Love! Romance! Adventure!

As mentioned in the newest episode of the Book Club for Masochists podcast our next publication (after Two-Fisted Library Stories #6) will be Spicy Library Stories!

The deadline is December 31st. Send submissions to

What do we mean by "spicy"?

Well in the tradition of Spicy Zeppelin Stories and other titles we're looking for the best in library focused fiction that features not just the daring adventure tales we're so well known for, but is also a little bit risqué or saucy. This doesn't mean that you need to create full blown erotic tales (though we'll accept those too), but place just a little bit more emphasis on the...attractiveness of the featured characters. That means love, romance, and scantily dressed men, women, and people of other genders having their clothes ripped off.

We want tales full of forbidden love, seduction, star-crossed lovers, romantic tension, mysterious pasts, makeovers, love triangles, and purple prose.

We want bodice-ripping, paranormal events, time travel, historical settings, suspense, fantasy, BDSM, and everything else (maybe in one story!).

We want stories that involve lesbian, gay, straight, bisexual, transgender, queer, and polyamorous characters. (And anything else we forgot.)

We want lascivious stories about tempters and temptresses, femmes and hommes fatales, dudes and dames in distress, bombshells, rakes, vamps, cads, seducers, vixens,  and everyone else.

Just remember that it has to feature library workers prominently in some way.

It can be as chaste or raunchy as you want, and if you'd really just rather not, you can still submit and we'll publish it in the next issue of Two-Fisted Library Stories!

If you're looking to contribute art for the cover or interior think of the classic "good girl" pin-up art, except that we want pin ups of people of all gender identities!

We're also totally happy to let people use pseudonyms, sobriquets, aliases, and noms de plume if you would prefer for your true identity to remain secret. Not even we need to know what your real name is!

Planned release is in time for Valentines day 2017!

Also, check out this article about female creators working in the pulps of the early 20th century.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Issue #6 Call for Submissions!

Hey all, its time for you to get out those typewriters, quill pens, and crayons (or whatever you create with) because Issue #6 of Two-Fisted Library Stories* is now accepting submissions!

What can you submit? Stories, comics, drawings, photographs, recipes, knitting patterns, phony letters, fake news items, bogus advertisements, made-up issue blurbs, and whatever else you can think of as long as it contains LIBRARY ACTION. Stories can be about librarians, library technicians, library cats, sentient libraries, etc. As long as your contribution is somewhat library focused and at least a little bit pulpy (mystery, sci-fi, fantasy, horror, romance, etc.) it's fine! (This TV tropes page on Two-Fisted Tales might help give you some direction.)

Plus, we need COVER ART! If you're interested in drawing the cover, please get in touch!

Deadline for issue #6 is September 30th!

We're aiming for a Halloween launch date for this issue, so if you have a scary, terrifying, or otherwise spooOOOOooooky idea, now's the time to work on it!

Send your submissions, questions, and general accolades to

*"Weren't you called Two-Fisted Librarians?"
Yes, but we changed the name to be more inclusive of all library workers.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Issue #5 now available!

Issue #5 of Two-Fisted Librarians launched this past weekend at VanCAF! It's also now available on our Etsy store.

It features a super rad cover by Colleen Frakes, a comic by Annie Gaines, and stories by Ian Richardson, and me.

This also means that issue #4 is now available on Issuu!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Issue #5 Cover and Call for Submissions!

I am so excited, because above you can see the cover of Two-Fisted Librarians #5! It features art by Colleen Frakes (who recently released her graphic novel memoir Prison Island)!

Of course, we need more than just a cover to publish an issue, so we're asking you to send in submissions of stories, comics, recipes, and whatever else you can think of as long as it contains LIBRARY ACTION. Stories can be about librarians, library technicians, library cats, sentient libraries, etc. As long as your contribution is at least a little bit pulpy (mystery, sci-fi, fantasy, horror, etc.) it's fine! (This TV tropes page on Two-Fisted Tales might help give you some direction.)

Deadline for the next issue is March 30th!

But what if you don't have the time or inclination to create a full submission? Well, lucky for you there are still ways to contribute! We're looking for phony letters, fake news items, and made-up issue blurbs. Just remember to keep them pretty brief. You can see examples from issue #4 below.

A few instructions:
  • Keep your letters and news items brief.
  • Don't complain about any real stories that have appeared.
  • Letters that are filled with complaints are probably funnier.
  • Feel free to ask questions to which you don't know the answer.
  • You don't need to write editorial responses to your own letters, we've got that covered.
  • If you're not sure what to write about, you can use information from this list of made up characters, stories, and more that have been referenced in previous issues.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about (because not everybody spends their lives reading old comic books), I'll link to a few examples.

You might also find the Wikipedia entries on letter columnsMarvel No-Prize, Bullpen Bulletins, and Daily Planet useful.

So get creating!